Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Doom Tree Records

Doom Tree is one of the best Hip-Hop labels active right now. I think there is something to be said for the artists that are not so "current" or Top 40. Let's be honest, music on the radio is terrible 90% of the time. It tends to be more shallow and focused on targeting an audience or creating an image that will boost record sales. I live music, and I love music, and I love this label. All of the artist have different styles, and they all speak to me in their own way. From Mike Mictlan(above)to Dessa, it's all good. 

Mictlan is a hard hitter from the start. With songs like Prizefight and "Drumsticks" that he features in, it's an insane power he spits. It brings passion and fire back into rap, which it has been so lacking. Thank God for L.A.

I was very drawn to Dessa from the first moment I heard her. The depth and range of her voice sucks you in, and holds you close. It's like shes singing about you, through you, just for you. She started off singing in a women's trio and that kind of classical melodic based sound translates into her Hip-Hop work quite well. Her video has cult classic themes and heightens the dark lyrics and feel. I can't think of anyone who pulls it off better than she does. It's a calm kind of cool that she approaches her music with. A kind of attitude that only a weathered performer can produce. 

Also, check out this collaboration with Dessa and Matthew Santos. It's on her "Broken Code" album, and really is good. It's been over a year and I'm still in love with this. 

Listening To: "Beg Steal or Borrow" Ray LaMontagne
Drinking: A Cuppa 
Loving: Getting a job. Kinda rocks.

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